Publications &
Awards /
Publication: Contemporary Architec- ture in Puerto Rico: 1923-2010.
Domus Academy Group project “NUCLEUS”, published on the Illywords Magazine,2010 part #28 issue Convivi- ality. pp. 30,32.
Exhibited: Charrette Roosevelt Roads in State Department, San Juan, PR. Publication of projects on di erent newspapers in Puerto Rico “El Nuevo Día” and “Primera Hora”.
Publication + Interview of urbanism project on “ZUBEA” Cultural Magazine.
Publications of various works generat- ed by myself and teams which I participated during school year on the book "100 preguntas que nos hemos hecho sobre Puerto
First Place: ‘Cone of Vision’ Project with, for Built Works, at the AIA
Lectures /
Faculty Best Practices: Cross-Campus Arts Integration Mixing Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Unique Venture Development. CEO Conference 2012
Loisaida STEAM deliver Analog STEAM+D,a 3day entrepreneurship and innovation bootcamp.
DePaul University Chicago
Design Entrepreneour Collaboration co-Director
In charge of logistics and design thinking workshops as well as design basics for entrepreneourship students with the school of Fine Arts in Puerto Rico.
Alejandro Excia studied his bachelors degree in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. After working for a year for a local art and architecture studio he pursued a double master in Domus Academy and Wales University achieving a degree in Product Design and a Master of Arts in Design respectively. His undergrad thesis had to deal with consumerism strategies in order to revitalise the dead public spaces in the city. His curiosity for the phenomenon of consumerism within the image and products helped him undertake his master investigation in a creative way. His dissertation in the thesis Creoelectric, he ended up developing a design methodology derived from the cultural context of his hometown “Criollos” o “Jibaros Puertorriqueños”, to design an electric car charger for the rural context worldwide for the company French/German company Hager. Alejandro Excia co-Founded his design consultancy studio postData.Design, where with his partner Alejandro Mieses, works on various projects that ranges from product design, interaction design, custom software and hardware interfaces. His studio has worked projects in cities like Atlanta, New York, Milan and his hometown of Puerto Rico. Last year postData.Design had the opportunity to showcase one of their products at Wanted Design in New York as part of the Puerto Rican collective “Design in Puerto Rico” where they where part of the group that consisted young emerging puerto rican designers. In Academia Alejandro Excia is a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, where he dictates the design courses at freshmen and second year studio. Recently he is the Director of the Laboratory of Fabrication, where he manages different types of technologies like 3D printers (Desktop and full prototyping 3D), CNC Routers, Milling machines, Vacuum Forming, laser cutters within others to help produce prototypes for students and private clients of the School of Architecture. Before being the director of the laboratory of fabrication he was the co-cordinator of the entrepreneurial initiative in fabrication where he also is the mentor for the first student company born from the initiatives under his supervision like, The Museum of Ponce reading area and furniture, Plaza del Caribe Pavillion ( This pavilion was commissioned for the second largest Mall in the caribbean, owned by the biggest entrepreneur in Puerto Rico), and most recently the pavilion for the first design latin american Fair in Puerto Rico “Boom”. This iniciative took Excia and his partner Mieses to dictate with students, a lecture at the Faculty Best Practices: Cross-Campus Arts Integration Mixing Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Unique Venture Development. CEO Conference 2012 Chicago.
“Alejandro Excia co-Founded his design consultancy studio postData.Design”
Alejandro Excia estudio su bachillerato en arquitectura en la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Cuenta con una doble maestría de la Domus Academy y de Wales University Gran Bretaña, en Product Design y Master of Arts in Design respectivamente. Su investigación de tesis a nivel de bachillerato respondía a una preocupación del rescate del espacio público, este rescate se mediaba por la inclusión de estrategias de consumo en el espacio público, respondiendo a la dicotomía actual en los centros comerciales lo privado se presenta como público y lo público aparenta privado. Su curiosidad por el fenómeno del consumo, tanto a niveles de imágenes y productos lo llevaron a trabajar la maestría en Diseño de productos donde la disertación de la tesis Creoelectric, logro desarrollar una metodología de diseño abstraída de un contexto muy específico (el jibaro puertorriqueño) para proponer el diseño de un cargador de vehículos eléctricos a nivel mundial. Actualmente es co-director de su compañía de diseño de productos postData.Design, diseño de interfaces interactivas, diseño de software y hardware junto a su socio Alejandro Mieses. Alejandro como co-director de su propia empresa ha logrado trabajar proyectos en ciudades como Atlanta, New York, Milán y localmente en Puerto Rico. Recientemente su compañía formo parte del colectivo de diseño llamado Design in Puerto Rico, donde se presentó uno de sus productos en la feria de diseño WantedDesign en Nueva York junto a otros diseñadores y empresas creativas de la isla. Funge como director del taller de fabricación en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico Recinto de Ponce, al igual que dicta cursos de diseño a varios niveles en la escuela. Ha participado como co-coordinador de la iniciativa empresarial en fabricación dentro de la escuela de arquitectura donde se lograron desarrollar proyectos especiales junto a sus estudiantes para clientes reales tales como el Museo de Arte de Ponce y Plaza del Caribe. Esta iniciativa llevo a Excia a dictar una charla junto a su socio y estudiantes en; Faculty Best Practices: Cross-Campus Arts Integration Mixing Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Unique Venture Development. CEO Conference 2012 Chicago. Gracias a esta iniciativa Alejandro Excia sirve también como uno de los mentores para las empresas estudiantiles, dirigidas al diseño, que han despuntado dentro de la institución gracias al énfasis en el programa de empresarísmo dentro de la estructura académica de la escuela de arquitectura. Actualmente Alejandro Excia es el Senior Designer del espacio de innovación colaborativa Neeuko en el Sagrado Corazon en Santurce.
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