Graphic Design
El Loop Fair
Digital Poster for Grassroots Innovation Fair, commissioned by Neeuko Innovation Center of USC Puerto Rico.
Innovation Pitch Poster
Innovation Center main event poster; Innovation Pitch night.
Proposal for a private group to develop a new graphic Identity to Powder milk brand in Puerto Rico; Leche Denia. This powder milk has a broad target market for the popular crowd. We had the opportunity to offer a new facelift for a Niche Market, lactose free powder milk for a healthier lifestyle.
Package reBrand
Sketches of Brand Positioning in Package.
BrainStorm Graphic Iterations.
Understanding how to apply graphic ideas, layout and icons.
Cow Icon
Final Brand Application
Syllable Typography graphic fun and cow icon
Lactose free Strawberry Flavor
Got to have Chocolate!!!
Packaging Render
Look and Feel...
One Happy Branded Family.
Idea of packages that included an individual serving, normal size as well as a family size.
We lined up a few merchandise to fallow the family brand.
Promotional proposal for indoor billboards.
Public Transit Adds
Your powder milk will never be the same!
Geometric Hue
Graphic elaborated to define patterns for graphic applications.
Graphic Hue Application
Iterations on how to apply the Graphic Hue Pattern. It so happened to be the final version.